Category Archives: Tea Party

Are You As Stupid As A Teabagger?

Tipikle teebaggers.

Ignorant, redneck teabaggers, don’t you just love to make fun of them? Of how stupid they are. How they never have an original thought. The way they believe everything that Rush Limbaugh and Fox News tell them, and then just parrot it back? They don’t even know what they’re saying! One look at their slack jaws and vacant stares tells you everything you need to know.

If it’s true that Tea Partiers are stupid, then liberals have redefined “stupid” to mean “able to correctly answer basic questions about current events.” Pew Research asked 1,101 adults three simple questions about the fiscal cliff and found that only 23% answered all three questions correctly, while 45% answered one or none correctly.

Republicans fared better than Democrats and independents, but their results were still lackluster.

Republicans are more knowledgeable about the fiscal cliff than either Democrats or independents. Yet even among Republicans, only 30% got all three questions correct and 37% missed at least two. Among Democrats and independents, 19% and 22%, respectively, could answer all three questions correctly. Nearly half of Democrats (47%) and 44% of independents missed at least two items.

There was one ray of hope, however.

However, one group of Republicans stands out as particularly aware of the details of the fiscal cliff standoff: Tea Party supporters. Among Republicans and Republican-leaning independents who agree with the Tea Party, 48% correctly answered all three questions, and another 34% got two out of three correct. Republicans who disagree with the Tea Party or have no opinion about it score no higher than the national average on the subject of the fiscal cliff.

Maybe – just maybe – more people should be watching Fox and listening to Rush. So everyone can be as stupid as a teabagger.


Filed under Economics, Politics, Tea Party


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