Category Archives: What’s Hot

What’s Hot at It’s Only Words

Why Do Democrats Hate SAHMs?

In response to Hilary Rosen’s ludicrous assertion that being a stay-at-home mom isn’t any kind of work. This is a hot button issue for SAHMs and the Twitter firestorm that followed Rosen’s ill-advised tweet was not surprising.

Taking A Peek In My Crystal Ball

Have you ever wondered how many people search the internet each day for photos of crystal balls? A lot. This post is consistently pulls enough hits to land it in my top five week after week.

A Tale Of Two Presidents and Another Tale of Two Presidents

Compare and contrast George W. Bush and Barack Obama…and the liberal response to each.

The Most Amazing Coincidence!

Jay Carney is a lying liar and doesn’t even have enough sense to tell lies that make any kind of sense.

Who’s Dumber Than A Box Of Rocks?

How sad is it that competition is so fierce for the title of Stupidest Member of Congress?

The Obama Principle

Another old post that was updated to include a link to an IBD op-ed that reached the same conclusion as I did. I’m such a thought leader.

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