Patty Murray, Arrogant and Ignorant

Just because Patty Murray represents Washington in the US Senate, it doesn’t mean she should be insulting the residents of the great State of Alabama. As reported in The Daily Weekly:

With the Dreamliner finally up in the air, one could almost forget the unending controversy swirling in Boeing’s turbines.First there’s that little move to South Carolina planned to actually build the Dreamliner. But also back in the news is the battle over building tankers for the Air Force. Sen. Patty Murray, up for election next year, has been a driving force behind Boeing’s protest of the military’s initial decision to award the contract to Northrop Grumman. All Things Considered did a story last week on Northrop’s attempts to put pressure on the feds that included an interview with Murray where she managed to insult the entire state of Alabama.

Northrop planned to build the tankers at an assembly line in the southern state, which Murray says is a mistake.

Quoth Murray: “I have stood on the line in Everett, Wash., where we have thousands of workers who go to work every day to build these planes. I would challenge anybody to tell me that they’ve stood on a line in Alabama and seen anybody building anything.”

Taken just last week near Tuscaloosa, this photo depicts typical Alabamians who probably don't even know what an airplane is, much less how to build one

I’m trying to decide which is more egregious; Murray’s abysmal ignorance or the pernicious bigotry that assumes all Alabamians are uneducated yokels.

Perhaps Senator Murray has heard of “Hyundai.” They manufacture “automobiles.” She might be shocked to learn that Hyundai has a “manufacturing plant” in Montgomery, Alabama. She might also find it surprising to learn that Mercedes-Benz has a huge, state of the art manufacturing facility just outside of Tuscaloosa. The last time I heard, manufacturing plants had “lines” where people “build things.” In fact, according to the Manufacture Alabama! website, Alabama has a strong manufacturing base.

The bigotry we experienced first hand when our daughter chose to attend the University of Alabama. It was shocking, really, how contemptuous people were of her choice. Mooncat at Left in Alabama sums it up:

This is a perfect example of negotiating by tearing the other guy down — and I expected better from Patty Murray.  Some of you may remember how she originally won her Senate seat by campaigning as a “mom in tennis shoes.”  As a supposed champion for average Americans, Murray should have checked her facts before spouting what any educated person would realize was nonsense — and insulting, stereotypical nonsense, at that.  We’re not still chopping cotton down here, Senator, barefoot and illiterate. Alabamians have long since embraced modern technology.  In fact, my neighbor is a farmer and uses GPS in his rig that keeps his combine on the exact same path his planter traveled months before, right down to a little wobble he might have made reaching to answer his cell phone.

Alabama workers built Saturn V rockets in the 60’s and were instrumental in their design and testing and played major roles in the Space Shuttle, Spacelab, the Delta IV rocket (Delta and Atlas launch vehicles are now manufactured in a state of the art facility in Decatur, Alabama) and now Ares programs.  Speaking as a former industry insider, I would put Alabama engineers and scientists — and yes, technicians and machinists — up against anything Washington state has.

For a United States Senator, there’s really no excuse for this kind of ignorance and bigotry is always indefensible. I really can’t add anything to that other than to extend my apology to the people of Alabama and promise them that I’ll do whatever is within my power to see that she’s given the pink slip next November.


Filed under Patty Murray, Washington

15 responses to “Patty Murray, Arrogant and Ignorant

  1. Are those really Alabama folk? They look more like Tennesseeans to me.

    Maybe it’s another case of ABCD–Arrogant Bi-Coastal Disorder. They believe that anybody who lives between Secaucus and Seattle is obviously not as smart as the city dwellers. Especially when the “they” are “progressive” statists.

    • paulag1955

      Georgia, actually. I’m not sure if Murray is a true progressive statist (although she is definitely very progressive) or just dumber than a box of rocks. Or both.

  2. Excellent response.
    Having driven by the Mercedes plant on I-20 recently I can attest to your description. The entire place looked modern & gorgeous (even at night!).

    Charleston, SC, where I live, has been taking the same amount of flack from the Seattleites for the recent landing of Boeing here. The same arrogant condescension has been leveled at the citizens here. Yet BMW has been building vehicles in Greenville for a decade now.

    They’ll never admit their extreme leftist, militant, unions & attitudes are killing their economic base.

  3. Amigo TT

    Senator Patty Murray goes to bat for Boeing in Everett

    Senator Murray meant that the people of Alabama have not built tankers

    • paulag1955

      If that’s what Senator Murray meant, Amigo, then her command of the English language is so feeble as to be worthless.

  4. Don’t forget that little company called Honda either. Honda actually has TWO plants outside of Talladega that build Accords and Oddysees. The arrogance of these Senators and Reps continues to amaze me.

  5. Farmer Frank

    Way to take a quote completely out of context and build an entirely false premise, you lying right wing ****. You don’t think people will click through and read, do you? You’re an idiot, and an a**hole.

    (Edited for language.)

    • paulag1955

      Sorry, “Farmer Frank,” we do not allow foul language in the comments. Aside from that, Murray’s comments weren’t taken out of context; if you think they were, you’re more than welcome to paste in as much of Murray’s remarks as you think would justify her ignorant comment about Alabama.

  6. Rob Stubbs

    Farmer Frank must be one of those high minded tolerant liberal Left Coast City dwellers with that typical methodology of using reasonable debate to prove someone wrong by linking quotes where it is proved that she didn’t say that.

    Of Course I know all the progressives never really mean what they actually say the first time because it seems they are always coming back afterwards and either saying what I really meant or I didn’t say that or I was misquoted. In the Age of non video perhaps they could continue to get away with the last 2 but no longer with Youtube , flip phones, and other technological miracles.

    So dear Farmer Frank I know you really meant to say something entirely different that didn’t just involve pathetic name calling. Perhaps in a year or two you will come back with some witty repartee and can use that to replace the comments you didnt really say the first time.

  7. Great post, Paula. I’m tired of the anti-southern sort of soft bigotry I hear all the time. Murray is just articulating what many people already believe.

  8. How about we add “dumb” to the list of things we use to describe Patty Murray. Have you seen the way she talked about al Qaeda? She is completely ignorant of the fact that people in the South, including Alabama even, have come a long way from picking cotton in the fields.

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