Everyone Loves A Winner, Right?

The modest boost President Obama enjoyed in the polls following passage of his signature health care legislation has dissipated.

In another crushing blow to the “conventional wisdom” of the establishment media that because “Americans love winners” President Barack Obama would receive a large, sustained bounce in approval after last week’s passage of Obamacare, today Gallup released its daily approval numbers showing Obama at only 46% approval, with 46% disapproving. Obama’s 46% approval in Gallup represents a matching of Obama’s all-time low in approval.

While Americans  do love a winner (here and here), it’s not an unconditional sort of love. Yes, we do love winners, but we don’t love cheaters and the legislative and parliamentary shenanigans that the Democrats used to pass the abomination masquerading as health care reform smack of cheating. What else can you call it when people change the rules after the game has started?

How deliciously ironic that even when the Washington Post engages in a bit of cheating of their own by skewing the poll sample, it’s still patently obvious that voters know bad-tasting medicine when they’re forced to swallow it.

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