Tag Archives: Boise State

Too Mentally Unstable To Practice Medicine

But not too unstable to teach college students, apparently.

It’s not that I don’t have sympathy for people who suffer from mental illness. Really, I do. But one of the reasons Clinkingbeard’s medical credentials were revoked is that she was resistant to treatment. I don’t think it takes a particularly vivid imagination to see how this story could have had a very different and far more tragic outcome. What if Clinkingbeard had taken the gun into her classroom? What if she’d used it? It wouldn’t have been the first time a college professor snapped with fatal consequences.

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Filed under Washington

Fight To The Finish

That’s all I ask.

This is the kind of fighting spirit I expect from the GOP Congressional leadership; a bold play on 4th and 18. Going for the win rather than the tie in overtime.  Instead, Mitch McConnell kicks a field goal to end regulation play.

Perhaps McConnell believes that capitulation is preferable to a glorious defeat in the defense of liberty and prosperity. Perhaps when he swore to “support and defend” the Constitution, he was just saying the words or perhaps he doesn’t think the Constitution is worth his best effort. Perhaps he doesn’t think the stakes are high enough to forgo his Christmas dinner in Kentucky. Perhaps he forgot that there are many thousands of US servicemen and women who won’t be making it home for Christmas this year or that United States Senators are above making the the same kind of sacrifice.

Perhaps he never watched Braveheart…

…Or The Return of the King…

…But perhaps he should as it appears that he could use an infusion of fighting spirit.


Filed under Health Care