Tag Archives: Christianity

@IBTimes’s deceitful photo choice

Even though the story about a gay concentration camp in Chechnya has less than nothing to do with Christians, International Business Times has chosen to use a photo that implicates them.

If you look closely at the photo, you can see that the signs include Christian scriptures, even though the article does mention – in the last paragraph and, really, how many people read that far – that Chechnya is a majority Muslim country that adheres to traditional Islamic values.

The photo doesn’t appear within the body of the article; rather it appears as the default when the story is linked and shows up in a Bing search.

Unless they want to claim stupidity, there’s no innocent explanation for this.

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Filed under Media, News Media

Now Who’s The Bully?

Do you think the remarks in this video were appropriate for a high school journalism convention?

If you’ve ever doubted that the journalism establishment is a progressive indoctrination machine, consider that this convention was sponsored by the National Scholastic Press Association and the Journalism Education Assocation, where, presumably, no one questioned the wisdom of inviting the Editorial Director of The Stranger, a rabidly left-wing Seattle alternative newspaper and author of “Savage Love” to speak to a group of high school students. Click that last link at your own risk. To be fair, the convention’s organizers may have thought that someone who founded an organization designed to help gay youth cope with bullying would be sensitive to the feelings of other people. They were, obviously, wrong.

Savage’s remarks and his apparent shallow (or lack of) understanding of Christianity makes me wonder if he knows any actual Christians. He sounds as though the sum total of his knowledge of Christianity comes from TV news reports on Westboro Baptist Church, another group with a twisted view of what it means to be Christian. So he’s in swell company.

In another setting, with a different audience, Savage’s words might not have risen to the level of bullying, but the fact that he was speaking as an authority figure to a young audience made them so. And if it occurred to him that the hooting and clapping his remarks received might embolden some students to bully Christian students either immediately or in the future, he certainly didn’t let it deter him from continuing. I know, silly me…I think bullying is wrong regardless of who’s doing the bullying and who’s being bullied. Or who’s giving permission, so to speak, for one group to bully another.

More on this from my friend, Chris Barnhart.

It’s come to my attention that Washington State Senator Maria Cantwell participated in a video produced in support of It Gets Better. I wonder if she’ll condemn Savage’s attack on Christianity.


Filed under 2012 Senate Races