Tag Archives: Panama City

“Mensa Was Not At Panama City Beach”

The O’Reilly Factor’s Jesse Watters went on special assignment to spring break, or Panama City, to be exact, to ask college students to grade President Obama.

Watters’ World goes on spring break. (Sorry, Fox News video won’t embed…but click through and watch the video. The important part is at 3:46. Especially if you’re from the south. Just don’t forget to come back and read the rest of this post.)

Does this not perfectly illustrate the Northeastern elitist journalism bubble that we’ve all come to know and abhor? What is that even supposed to mean, “This is the SEC. You have University of Kentucky. You have University of Alabama.”

To his credit, O’Reilly sensed they were on shaky ground.

“No, no, no. You can’t disparage those schools,” he said, to which Watters replies, “I’m not. I’m just saying, Mensa was not at Panama City Beach.”

If Watters were a member of Mensa he would know that disparage means, “to speak of or treat slightingly; depreciate; belittle.” Which he clearly did do and tried to backpedal.

News flash for Jesse Watters! There aren’t enough Ivy League schools to accommodate all the smart kids. Also, not all the smart kids want to go to an Ivy League school and be forced to hang out with arrogant jerks like you.

Do you remember that old commercial for instant mashed potatoes? It went something like, “The good cook mashes and mashes her potatoes, the great cook uses a ricer, but the smart cook, blah, blah, blah…”

So, yeah, Jesse, there are plenty of smart cooks attending State Universities on full-ride academic scholarships. You can look down your nose at them all you want, but they’re going to graduate from college debt-free. How stupid are they going to look then? Maybe they weren’t at Panama City Beach because they were at home, studying, because that’s what smart people do.

What an bigoted, ignorant ass, you are, Jesse Watters. How dare you imply that the students at schools like Alabama and Kentucky – my daughter included – are a cohesive mass of blithering idiots? Puts me in mind of this.

Update 1:  Not everyone is as nice about this as I am, although this blogger did use a few descriptive terms that I seriously considered using for the first time ever.


Filed under Media, Washington