Tag Archives: SAHMs

The Most Amazing Coincidence!

This is such an incredible coincidence, I just have to share! I heard that Jay Carney claims to know three (3!!!) separate women named Hilary Rosen.

Imagine that! Out of the 40 or so women in the U.S. who share that name, he knows three (3!!!) of them. Think about it…there are almost 13,000 women in the U.S. named Jennifer Smith and I don’t know a single one, but Jay Carney knows three (3!!!) women named Hilary Rosen. How. Freaky. Is. That.

Allahpundit thinks Jay is lying, but that can’t be right, can it? I mean, I trust Jay to keep me up-to-date on all the breaking news from the Obama Administration. He would never lie to me, right?

(Sadly, it’s come to my attention that not everyone shares my high opinion of Jay. I’m crushed.)

  1. Share
    @itsonlywords – wouldn’t that be basically a rebroadcast?
    Fri, Apr 13 2012 17:30:19
  2. Share
    All u need is video of anytime he opens his mouth RT @itsonlywords: Has anyone ever put together a video montage of Jay Carney lying?
    Fri, Apr 13 2012 17:27:05
  3. Share
    @itsonlywords I bet one would do well on UTube, and it would be SO easy 🙂
    Fri, Apr 13 2012 17:24:12
  4. Share
    @itsonlywords It would be too long a video
    Fri, Apr 13 2012 17:24:06
  5. Share
    @itsonlywords When we do, can we call it “Mr. Weasels Goes to Washington”? Or maybe “Weasels on Parade?” Aren’t weasels fun? #weasels
    Fri, Apr 13 2012 17:23:53
  6. Share
    Noone has that much time on their hands. 🙂 RT @itsonlywords: Has anyone ever put together a video montage of Jay Carney lying?
    Fri, Apr 13 2012 17:23:48
  7. Share
    @itsonlywords that would b hysterical
    Fri, Apr 13 2012 17:23:47
  8. Share
    RT @itsonlywords: Has anyone ever put together a video montage of Jay Carney lying? |Isn’t it called the White House Video Archive?
    Fri, Apr 13 2012 17:27:46

Thanks for the link, Wizbang.


Filed under Politics, Pop Culture