Tag Archives: Washington’s Governor’s Race

Jay Inslee Is A Quitting Quitter

“Winners never quit and quitters never win.” It’s a common motivational saying that at least one Washington politician hasn’t taken to heart.

In a stunning reversal of his oft-repeated assurances that he wouldn’t, Jay Inslee is abandoning his constituents in Washington’s 1st Congressional District. He is resigning his seat effective March 20th to focus on his gubernatorial campaign. By announcing his resignation after the March 6th cutoff date, he spares voters a special election, but hangs his constituents out to dry with no representation in D.C. On one hand, I’m enormously pleased that Inslee will no longer be pimping his green agenda at the national level. On the other hand he’ll no longer be available to ignore my concerns on the occasions I feel compelled to voice them.

It’s not as though the Inslee campaign can’t use a boost. He’s barely ahead in fundraising, despite the fact that his opponent, Washington’s Attorney General Rob McKenna, has been barred as an elected official from any fundraising efforts since the State Legislature convened on November 28th, with only a brief respite between the end of the regular session and the start of the special session*. If the Washington Legislature didn’t regularly fail to conduct their important (i.e. budget) business before considering a plethora of lesser issues, it would be enough to make you think the current special session was a ploy by State Democrats to hamper McKenna’s campaign.

It’s hard to see how bailing out on his constituents will help Inslee’s campaign, but, hey, if that’s what he wants to do, I hope he doesn’t let the Congressional door hit him on his way out.

*McKenna’s campaign raised over $250,000 in the three days between sessions. If you’d like to donate to his campaign, register to receive updates to be notified when fundraising is once again open.

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