Category Archives: Seattle Times

Something new for me

No, not bashing the Seattle Times. I’ve been known to do that a from time to time. What was new for me was rolling out a coordinated Twitter rant, or thread if you will, on this incomprehensibly biased piece of reporting at the Seattle Times.

I was really surprised about how hard it was to prepare and how nervous I was about posting it. Have a look, leave a comment and retweet!


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Filed under Media, Seattle Times, Washington

Leave It To The Times

Regardless of the fact that a mob of 500 baseball bat and crowbar wielding longshoremen stormed the port in Longview, Washington, took and held hostages, cut brake lines and dumped grain, the Seattle Times has chosen to illustrate the story with photos and captions depicting law enforcement as the aggressors and the longshoremen as peaceful protesters. One photo, depicting a protester standing on the tracks in front of a locomotive, is clearly intended to evoke memories of Tianamen Square or maybe Washington State’s liberal darling, Rachel Corrie.

To be fair, the Times news article covering the disturbance reported the facts much as I’ve recounted them here, relying on their bevy of low-information readers to skip all the nasty words and head straight to the photos.

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Filed under Journalism, Seattle Times

Mere Coincidence Or Something More?

Dori Monson wonders if it’s merely a coincidence that the accident report from Bill Gates, Sr.’s, August hit and run accident wasn’t made public until the day after the election.

That got me thinking so…I headed over to the local news rag, the Seattle Times, to check out their coverage, which was notably – but not surprisingly – missing in action until the story was broken by another news outlet, KIRO-TV.

What makes this story so interesting is that Mr. Gates the Elder was the public face for I-1098, the latest attempt to establish an income tax beachhead in Washington State. One wonders whether the press would have been so forgiving if it had been Tim Eyman involved in a hit and run in the weeks leading up to the election.


Filed under Seattle Times, Washington