Category Archives: Dino Rossi

Stand By Your [Men]

Patty Murray is a faithful foot soldier of the Democrats. (I know that technically, she’s part of the Senate leadership, but you never really see or hear of her leading on anything so, yeah.) She votes with her party 96% of the time and while other Democrat incumbents are distancing themselves from the President and Obamacare, Murray was only too happy to welcome the President to Seattle (Twice! And Michelle! And the Veep!) to campaign on her behalf and even claim authorship of the health care abomination.

In fact, the Democrats are so confident that Patty will be standing by her men that they didn’t even feel a need to mention her in one of their last rally-the-voter e-mails. She reminds me of that girl who’ll do anything to win the guy but he can’t quite remember her name. So sad…I think she needs help.

Be a part of the intervention; vote forĀ Dino Rossi.


Filed under 2010 Senate Races, Barack Obama, Dino Rossi, Patty Murray

Words Weekly Wrap-Up; 10/24/10 through 10/30/10

When Racism Isn’t Racist At All

Jobs Americans Won’t Do: Campaigning For Patty Murray

Well. This Was Unexpected.

Random Rants, Seattle Times Edition

Charlie Sheen: Proving Yet Again That Having It All Doesn’t Necessarily Mean All That Much

Too Good Not To Share

A Midterm Blowout

Man’s Best Friend, But Still

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Filed under Dino Rossi, Journalism, Patty Murray, Pop Culture, Words Wrap-Up

A Midterm Blowout

Shane D’Aprile tells us that 50 or more Democrat seats are set to change hands.Ā Please, God, let some of them be in Washington.

James Watkins, WA-01 (Jay Inslee*)

John Koster, WA-02 (Rick Larsen*)

Jaime Herrera, WA-03 (Open, Brian Baird retirement)

Doc Hastings*, WA-04

Cathy McMorris Rodgers*, WA-05

Doug Cloud, WA-06 (Norm Dicks*)

Steve Beren, WA-07 (Jim McDermott*)

Dave Reichert*, WA-08

Dick Muri, WA-09 (Adam Smith*)

Dino Rossi, Senate (Patty Murray*)


Washington has one of the more left-leaning Congressional delegations. It’s not too late to make a contribution of time or money.

More from Allahpundit writing at Hot Air.

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Filed under 2010 House Races, 2010 Senate Races, Dino Rossi, Patty Murray, Washington

Random Rants, Seattle Times Edition

Joni Balter

Not many people are as self-satisfied and self-important as Joni Balter. She’s recently penned two op-eds, not on any topic with relevance to the real issues facing voters in this election, but something even more important; the race for newspaper endorsements. And of course by this vital yardstick, Dino Rossi may as well concede the race now.

I’m not even sure why this was stretched out to to pieces; they’re nearly identical. From the first piece, published on 10/14:

People ask editorial writers from time to time about newspaper endorsements — how much do they really change voters’ minds? In local races, such as school boards or city councils or county councils, they matter a ton. In statewide contests, like the U.S. Senate contest, endorsements always have an impact but it is harder to measure because there is so much other inpurt. Have you turned on your TV lately?

My take on endorsements in contests of this magnitude is they, especially if they are plural and there are a fair number of them, become part of the narrative and momentum of an election.

And from the second, published on 10/25:

Newpaper readers and media critics often ask how much weight newspaper endorsements carry in an election as big and fiery hot as the current U.S. Senate race in Washington state.

Such endorsements count quite a bit in races for school boards or city councils or county councils. In a bigger statewide race such as the contest between Democratic incumbent Patty Murray and Republican Dino Rossi, the impact of a single endorsement is less clear, because there is so much other input. Indeed, the television has become a Halloween-scary place.

My own sense of it is a grouping of endorsements, several in a row, can be quite powerful. And the advantage, therefore, goes to Murray.

Honestly, did Balter just forget what she wrote or was she so enamored of her own cleverness she just had to repeat herself?Ā And which is it: do people ask this question of vital importance “from time to time” or “often?” Honestly, it’s never occurred to me to wonder. My assumption has always been that newspaper endorsements are handed out to advance the agendas of the various editorial boards.

But here’s the money quote, pulled from the second piece:

For all the blather about how tired everybody supposedly is of Murray, it seems newspaper editorial writers and publishers, who really know the work and impact of this senator, are not ready to throw out a talented public servant like Murray.

So here’s the deal.

Not only is making endorsements inherently self-important; not only does Balter choose to write about how important these endorsements are – Twice! In less than two weeks! – she takes it a step further by implying that editorial boards are far more qualified to judge the candidates because they’re so much better informed than their readers. And probably just smarter, too.

Not Present and Accounted For

Of course, she may have a point about the Times’ readers being ill-informed. If you were relying on the Times to keep you informed of news in the WA-01 contest between James Watkins and Jay Inslee, you’d be, well, ill-informed as well as completely unaware that the two debated on October 18th.

You’d also be unaware that the Watkins campaign had been desperately trying to get Inslee to agree to a debate since August, and that when he finally did agree, he set a date, time and place nearly guaranteed to ensure minimal press coverage (and it appears he was successful; none of the local television stations covered the debate and when last I checked, only the Kitsap Sun had given the debate any coverage).

You would, however, know that the gubernatorial candidates in Rhode Island will be debating tonight.

Apparently the Times is aware that fact that face time with Inslee doesn’t always endear him to his constituents. So as Balter bashes Times subscribers as ill-informed, the news department makes sure they stay that way. Sweet.

Endorsement Brain Twister

Try and wrap your head around this.

Back in June, Ryan Blethen announced that the Times would be taking “a new, hard look at elections and government” and added, “The editorial page will also explain to readers and lawmakers why government needs to be reset. We will examine the need for fiscal responsibility on the local, state and national level.”

Given that, a trip through the Times’ endorsements on the federal level is likely to leave the reader confused. Their list of endorsed candidates includes all the incumbents – Democrats Inslee, Larsen and Smith in the House and Murray in the Senate – plus Democrat Suzan DelBene in the 8th District running against incumbent Dave Reichert and Democrat Denny Heck in the 3rd District, running against Jaime Herrera for Brian Baird’s open seat.*

In other words, a full slate of Democrats. The party that did this to the federal budget deficit.

I wonder how the Times editorial board imagines that returning proven big spenders to Washington, along with some newcomers who are just as likely to vote for ever higher taxes and more spending will “reset government?” It’s a conundrum.

*As far as I can tell, the Times made no endorsements in the 6th and 7th Districts, seats currently held by Norm Dicks and Jim McDermott, respectively, but I could have missed them. Of course, Baghdad Jim probably needs no endorsement running, as he is, in the Soviet of Seattle.

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Filed under Dino Rossi, Journalism, Media, Patty Murray, Washington

Jobs Americans Won’t Do: Campaigning For Patty Murray

As I noted here, the Murray campaign appears to be critically short of foot soldiers. How terribly inconvenient.

Fortunately for the Senator, this is another one of those distasteful jobs that Americans won’t do, but illegals are only too willing to take on. And at no cost to the Murray campaign! “Illegals for Democrats” is a project of OneAmerica Votes. Can you guess who tops their list of candidate endorsements?

And why not? Murray strongly supports “comprehensive immigration reform,” which is leftist-speak for amnesty. The way Democrats are salivating over this potential new constituency, amnesty is a near-certainty should they retain their Congressional majorities.

Off topic, but still interesting to note:

There are some Democrats who OneAmerica Votes rather conspicuouslyy failed to endorse.

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Filed under 2010 Senate Races, Dino Rossi, Patty Murray

Learn About Politics And Support Patty Murray!

Patty Murray is advertising on craigslist for campaign workers…for the kinds of positions I always assumed were filled by hordes of ardent volunteers.

I know the polls show this race to be very tight, but I’ve been noticing the lack of Patty Murray signs in my area for weeks and wondering if it signified a lack of enthusiasm or merely that it’s no longer fashionable to wear your liberalism on your shirtsleeve.

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Filed under 2010 Senate Races, Dino Rossi, Patty Murray

Thanks, Patty…Way To Boost The Economy

The Murray campaign is panicking (what I wouldn’t give to see their internal polling) and calling in all the big guns from the other Washington. President Obama will arrive the Seattle area again today to help boost her campaign but not the economy.

As reported by Meg Coyle of King 5 News, Kenmore Air has been grounded for the duration of the President’s visit. Company president Tom Banks (the only president mentioned in this article with real-world experience creating jobs) estimates they’ll lose $50,000 in revenue.

Not to mention the added costs for the City of Seattle for police coverage (which should, of course, be paid by the Murray campaign) or to US taxpayers to cover the President’s travel expenses.

There is a price to federal taxpayers for any presidential visit, including the costs of operating Air Force One and of the Secret Service agents who accompany the president.

Under federal rules, the government must be reimbursed for the costs associated with purely political events. That means political campaigns get billed for some of the flight costs of the president and his staff (except for Secret Service agents), at a rate equal to the cost of a commercial flight. (That doesn’t come close to covering the actual cost of operating Air Force One, which was estimated at up to $58,000 an hour in 1998.)

In a case like Obama’s Seattle trip, which includes both official and campaign events, a political campaign is typically billed for half the cost of the president’s travel and lodging, according to a report by the Congressional Research Service.

And the President’s “offcial business” on this trip? A backyard chat about the economic issues facing women. Surely that’s worth a few hundred thousand dollars to the taxpayers.

Update 1: Dan Riehl weighs in.

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Filed under 2010 Senate Races, Barack Obama, Dino Rossi, Patty Murray

Polls: Angle vs. Reid; Rossi vs. Murray

Just out of curiosity.


Filed under 2010 Senate Races, Dino Rossi, Patty Murray, Washington

Again I Ask, Who’s Extreme?

Unwilling to run on her lackluster record, Patty Murray has resorted to a series of misleading and dishonest ads attacking Dino Rossi for a variety of reasons that have nothing to do with the issues about which people are most concerned. Her latest ad attempts to paint Rossi as an extremist who will turn back the clock on abortion rights.

As I see it, are two extremes in the abortion debate. On the pro abortion side, the extreme position advocates the right to abortion for any person – even minors – for any reason, at any time during gestation up to and including partial birth abortions. In this world view, the right to an abortion isĀ inalienable and requires government protection and facilitation through funding and coercion of health care workers who have sincerely held conscience objections.

On the pro life side, the extreme position advocates the right to life for every human being from the moment of conception. In this world view, abortions would be illegal, even in cases of rape and incest, or when the life of the mother would be endangered by a pregnancy. Conscience objections would be protected.

So let’s compare the positions of Patty Murray and “Turn Back the Clock” Dino Rossi.

Rossi opposes abortion except in cases of rape, incest, or to save the mother’s life. This moves him towards the center, away from the extreme pro-life position.

On the other hand, Patty Murray has, apparently, never met an abortion she wasn’t willing to protect with legislation. She voted against the ban on the barbarous procedure rather euphemistically known as partial birth abortion and against conscience protections for health care workers. Try as I might, I’ve been unable to find any scrap of evidence to support moving Murray towards the center on this issue.

If you don’t agree that Murray’s position is extreme, tell me…what, exactly, would constitute an extreme position on abortion?


Filed under 2010 Senate Races, Abortion, Dino Rossi, Patty Murray, Pro-Life, Washington

Another Poll Shows Rossi Leading

A Fox News poll out today shows Dino Rossi with a 1 point lead over Patty Murray. This latest result also pushes him past Murray in the Real Clear Politics average, which now places him up by 1.7%.

More from Bryan Myrick.

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Filed under 2010 Senate Races, Dino Rossi, Patty Murray